Monday, December 24, 2012

Songtaran humor, who knew?



I forgot to post this.  I spent about two months self hating self promotion self gratification.  A worthy cause to be sure,  but ultimately one not favoring a long and happy continued existence.  As far as paying for things go.  Though I still strongly suspect that this is not reality.
       What can I do?  I cannot penetrate the illusion.  All those that I encounter do nothing to reinforce the concept that this is really happening.  In fact it's as if the glamour was lazy and doesn't care if I lift the veil on occasion.  It must know that I am a slave, starving for it's seduction. 
     Maybe I need to get out more?  No, the other night was a weird mix of pleasant and nightmarish interactions.  I took all in with a neutral demeanor.  I am used to these expiriences.  I've become jaded to unreality. Perhaps I should escape further.  Maybe I should take a fucking hike.  Spend some time in isolation away from the comfortable, surrounded by new and inconvenient sensations. 
     The natural world seems like it'd be the best cure for me.  Clear my head.  I have such dreams and aspirations, but they torment me.  Then, when sleep comes, and it comes with a cost,  I dream of wild and confusing situations filled with darkness and foreboding. Soon, if this continues, I will be a poor companion for most.  Ha-ha!  Sometimes I think that this is my wish.  I seem to find such little succor from my fellows. 
     Even the most sentimental and well meaning words ring in my skull and sound echoy and repetitive.  The words people say are the same, that fall from my lips, that penetrate my pitiful hearing,  that bounce and dances in the space in front of me.  And these are the good ones, the rest slip like a venomous net between myself and images of dreams holograms of friends and acquaintances. They can't be real, can they? 
     Lazy drama and fat puss filled emotions gushing up and sitting in presentation.  Slapped around, smeared on the body, spit up, held up in a hand as if to feel the heft and displayed for all to see that this has merit.  Fuck! 
     That is why I look to science and reason to shelter me from this painful illusion.  Something that stands alone, honest, sincere, regardless of man. Independent of man. Of the need to be validated.   It can do without us, yet how can we do without it?  If we cannot see that we are lost, how will we ever find our way?  
     Whew!    Major blowout there!  I've been feeling it coming for a few days now. This season always sucks the life out of me and this year is worse than ever. I need to purify badly. But how?  Been thinking about Shinto, religion in general and atheism too.  Alot.  Shinto makes sense, like the people of this continent who  worshipped the land, the Earth, the sky.  Nature.  Shinto has ritual purification by water.  Misogi I think is one of the names.  Temizu another, though that one it sounds to me like just fancy hand washing. May be worth a look into... 
     We are products of the Earth. It grew and nurtured us.  What does that mean? How can we be so arrogant to use up it's resouces so flagrantly?  So much hostility towards the planet.  How do some really believe that some great being,  some God put us here to play a game and to be tested?  And that we will live forever in some other plane of existence if we play nice?  Happy and content, safe.  Win the game, get the prize.   What a bunch of juvenile baloney!!  My kids come up with games like that.  Games that they constantly rewrite the rules of to ensure a positive outcome for themselves.  They can't conceive of any other possibility besides the one the desire.  The very idea upsets them!  What a bunch of punks!!?  Though they are the ones who I cherish the most. And the dog, she's honest. They aren't such big assholes like all of us "grownups"

Sunday, December 23, 2012


...Well it doesn't feel all that real to me.  I'm sure it can be done better.  Bitter ramble cut short by fatigue.  hmmmmm...................................................*

Yeah, this is from Dr. Who? So what?

Demons run when a good man goes to war
Night will fall and drown in sun
When a good man goes to war
Friendship dies and true love lies
Night will fall and the dark will rise
When a good man goes to war
Demons run but count the cost
The battles won but the child is lost


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Chick with a feathery hat right smack dab on the elbow!  Helluva spot, Mike, thanks!!
 The monk Anchin burning from the heat of Kiyohime's lust.  In-progress shot of a sleeve I've been working on for over 4 years based on the story from the Kabuki, "Dojoji."  Hopefully we'll get some good hours in on this one in the near future!  Thanks, Devon!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Steppin' up....

Recent stuff; the Redhook show, my son throwing chakas, and some nice lillies.  This morning my wife and I were talking about promoting and among the many points we touched on one of the most important yet simplest one was what're the best times to post for maximum exposure.  Is this important?  I wonder if anyone has any input or a formula for such a thing.  What are some other good strategies for increasing our business as artists?   Hmmm...   But then again, since nobody's reading this blog, the point is irrelevant.  Ha-ha!!
    In other news I slept last night which was new because Saturday evening I only was able to manage 1 hour of sleep.  The product of which is the flash sheet I painted for the Redbook benefit.  It was worth it!!

Saturday, December 15, 2012


A painting that I donated to a charity event in Brooklyn organized to raise money for hurricane victims in NYC.  About $6000 was made!  Hooray!!  The event was hosted by Jesse Jones and supported by Richie Fie from R&D tattoos in Queens.  It took place at Littlefields in Gowanus, BK!

Restore Redhook!

BTW, yesterday was crazy in the shop. We are crunching down on preparing for the benefit on Sunday. Alot of stuff, great artwork, and supplies up the wazzoo!!!  I will be tattooing along with the Rivington guys, Ethan Morgan, Sweety, Jim White, and the Wizard Alex Sherker.  Live music, silent auction and a wonderful cause. Let's set an example to show what can be accomplished with positivity!!   There's too much darkness out there come out and support the light!!!  I'm inspired by this sort of thing. Please share. 

Here is the painting I donated to the show!


OK I'm kinda getting back into the swing of things. Started and almost finished this fun tattoo on a great client.  Piecing together his sleeve around exiating work. Thanks Vinny, I appreciate the support!! 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Cozy little finger sleeves

Finished off Nick's right hand today.  Left hand in a couple of weeks so he won't be completely crippled!!!  At Rivington Tattoo!!!

Friday, December 7, 2012

A new piece

I had some fun with this one.  Short and sweet.  On a great dude who gets cool stuff! 
WHOOP hoooo!   I'm on a roll!!!!
Seriously more work to come, I have some catching up to do!!!


It's been awhile since I've posted on this blog.  I thought that I was abandoning it because I was planning on a revamped website.  But that plan is dead in the water for now.  Hopefully soon I'll be able to work on it again with my wife but until then I'm going back to this dusty olde blog.   If you're looking at this, then thanks.  First off I got tattooed by one of my favorite people and a real neato tattooist. PMA from a friend with one of the best attitudes I've ever encountered.  Thanks to Lara "Larry" Scotton!!
PS- More to come!

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Po-ster pooping. Walked him as a favor to Erika and Jesse.  He's a good boy. he had some squishes tho!!

Small drawing for 'Merica and HD!


Tattoos on a grey damp day

Today wasn't too exciting.  Actually it was a downright lame April fool's day.  A Replacements song:  "Unsatisfied" runs through my head alot these days. Love the Replacements. Not loving it as a daily mantra or motto. 
     So, what's the nature of responsibility?  Alot of what is happening seems to beg these questions. Doing what you're supposed to do? What is necessary?  Responsibility to one self or those around you.  In orbit.  If no one is looking.  If you think no one is looking. Or you don't even care if or who is looking.  Counting.
     Grey days of reflection.  Is nothing going right?  Despite my best efforts am I fucking up?  Am I full of shit?  Look me in the eye and tell me I'm satisfied....  Sheesh I annoy myself sometimes.  Maybe the "sun will come out,  tomorrow! "
  -Vague ramblings. I need a vacation.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Spring and it's garden time

      My lilac is blooming for the first time in 3 years. I have been waiting for this!  Now that it has decided to like nj I guess we can't leave.
     The garden has had a head start.  The cold snap has destroyed the magnolias blooming magnificence.  They were all out one day and brown and wilted the next.  I guess the ones that were pokey will have their own time!  Japanese maple and blueberry.Both tough guys. 
      Oh, and Hydrengea and Lacy hydrangea.  And some garlic etc.  Amy eating some rooted pea sprouts, doggie health food. 


Pooch is sweet, tired, lazy.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Viking walker

Finished this zombie Viking tonight.  Just in time for the Walking Dead season finale!


Breakfast of champions!!


Milky white thigh getting inked up, Eddie style!!  Maybe in another few years we'll get another session in!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Black velvet

And black light painting. Currently hanging at Sacred Gallery on Broadway In NYC!  Go and check out the awesome stuff there! 

Starwars show

At Bound for Glory tattoo Staten Island, NY. Some multi level conceptual type shit. Progress shots and finished piece.

The kids visiting

With the mascot in Parlor gallery in Asbury Park, NJ !

Wednesday, February 8, 2012